Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tayler's many many Questions!

Lately Tayler has been fasinated with babies...has been for a while, but has recently been obsessed. This was our conversation today....

Tayler: "Mom, how do you get pregnant?"

Mom: It happens when you find somebody special you want to marry

Tayler: "How many times do you get married?"

Mom: Only once!

Tayler: So were you pregnant with Naomi and I at the same time

Mom: Well....no

Tayler: Then how did Naomi get here

Mom: Lol....It 's just something special that happens when mommies and daddies spend time together...(Gulp)

Tayler: " Oh....I get it mom (laughing),

Oh ya, after that she asks me about a baby brother and that Camdon is going to be his name.
What a little character. I dread these conversations because she is so curious, and I know you are supposed to tell your child enough without being graphic obviously but how do you explain this? I have ran out of things to say. Hopefully she is done asking me for a while because this conversation wore me out.


bussberg said...

SO, SO, SO glad Sadie has never asked me these questions and hopefully not for a long time!! I say its about time for another!!

C & E said...

That is 2 cute! Hopefully it's awhile b4 I have to worry about any of those convos!

Sara said...

that is hilarious... aren't you glad you get to spend every day with them... i know life can get hard Jennie but it's these moments that makes it all worth while!

The Colvins said...

She is so funny! I remember the first time Jackson asked me how babies get here (it went something like you just explained) lots of gulping and holding my breath that my abiguous answer would suffice!

Heidi said...

Thank heavens Chandler doesn't need a scientific explaination yet. Since I have to have c-sections he just thinks that is how all babies are born. That works...for now!

MaRilla said...

Love it. Lately David keeps asking how he could have a half brother if his dad never married the other boys mom. (Dave has a kid from a college fling) Answer that one for me. Cuz we only have babies when we're married right?
Cute girlies with their kites.